Evolution of American Journalism

What do you think when you hear Journalists? Do you think some freaky reader or some celebrity gossipers? Or do you think someone who is giving the people the news that they need to hear? If you chose the last one you are! Journalists are hard workers. Journalism didn’t just start with cool graphics, TV, or on the internet, it started with the constitution.

Benjamin Franklin believed that letting the people of America know what was going on in the world was very important. Even those he know that his family and himself would probably be in it. In the constitution it states in Article 1 ” Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. (FLVS Journalism course lesson 1.02 Evolution of American Journalism.)” If this law was not in the constitution, people would be in the dark. We world not know what was going on.

Sounds crazy? People would not know what is going on in the government, weather, or celebrities. We couldn’t just turn our TV and go to any news station and know what is going on in our city. We wouldn’t be able to go to our computers and look up on MSN, Yahoo, or Google news. We couldn’t even go to our cellphones. Journalism is very important to the world. Next, time you hear the name Journalists think of the people who are giving you the information that you need.

-Ruthy Gods Girl

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