Check out my new blog at I will no longer be posting on

-Ruthie Gods Girl



Welcome to my new blog on My old blog was I am super happy. I hope everyone enjoys my new blog. So WELCOME!!! Please follow, likes, and comment.

-Ruthie Gods Girl




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Hello Everyone,


I just got a new blog on Please Follow, like and comment on Laugh4god

Thank You Guys for 57 follows and all of my likes and comments and visitors to Laughingforgod. You guys are awesome. God Bless you.

-Ruthie Gods Girl

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Check out my new blog at I will no longer be posting on

-Ruthie Gods Girl

Good word.

-Ruthie Gods Girl

Web Master Joel

Hope… a four lettered word with an enormous impact on the world. Society recently looks to be on the downfall with children more disrespectful than ever, some of the most catastrophic crimes being committed, and some people just hate just because it makes them feel better about themselves. But there is HOPE! You see no matter how dark the world may get and no matter what excuses are given for foolishness, the truth is we all have a choice. People can change and will change when they awaken from the fray of society. We can Hope for a better tomorrow. As much evil as there is there is always a good to combat it. Talk is cheap and change begins with action. Choose to inspire those around you to make conscious decisions to do right. Speak positively about your situations.

The bible says in Hebrews 6:10-11 “God isn’t unjust so…

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Importance of Prayer

It really is important to prayer. Please feel encouraged.

-Ruthie Gods Girl

Resplendency blog

In Romans 12:12 we are encouraged to be, “faithful in prayer.” It is important to pray for others & ask God to teach you how to pray & be sensitive to remember to do so. Please do not promise someone that you will pray & not do it. If necessary pray with the person asking you for prayer right then & there. Please understand that they usually are asking because they believe you will. Trust God to lead you & remember to pray according to His promises found in the Bible. God’s ears are attentive to the cries of His people! #standoutandshine!

Daughter of the Most High God,

Pastor Natalie Young


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Just another good encouraging word from Pastor Natalie. Had to share.

-Ruthie Gods Girl

Resplendency blog

One of my prayers for 2013, is that the Body of Christ will function in its fullest potential! That God will cause HIS people to truly LOVE one another as we are told to in the Word and that words of life and encouragement would be spoken to each other! God, there is so much jealousy, competing, comparing, and complaining that instead of building one another up too many are tearing down! If we are to be like Christ we are to support one another and not just what is good for our ‘OWN’ group! **1 John 4:7, John 13:34, 2Corinthians 13:11, 1Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 3:13, Ephesians 4:16.

Sometimes, it seems that if you are not doing what “THAT” group/church (clicks) are doing, then you are made to feel left out intentionally! How is that reflecting God’s genuine love?  I am extremely grateful for the foundation that I have based…

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HAPPY NEW YEAR JESUS !!! #standoutandshine #2013

Just wanted to share this encouraging word from Pastor Natalie regarding the New Year. Please feel encouraged.

-Ruthie Gods Girl

Resplendency blog

Happy New Year everyone! 1Corinthians 15:58 tells us, “My dear brothers & sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you.” As we enter 2013, be encouraged… God is aware of ALL things & desires for us to remain steadfast in our faith… no matter what you face… Trust Him! We love you! #standoutandshine!

Resplendency enters 2013 in fasting and prayer! “But seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

If you have any questions and/or would like to join us in this time of fasting and prayer please contact us @   Also, please feel free to send us your prayer requests.

Daughter of the Most High God,

Pastor Natalie Young


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Happy New Year!! 2013 is going to be blessed

Happy New Year

I have totally had a blessed year (2012). Thank you Lord for being there for me. I pray that this year  you may be totally blessed. Thank you to all of my “likes” and “followers” and “views” I got this year.
Please check out this “New Year’s Prayer” from Dayspring Devotions:

As a new year begins, we come to You and ask for Your blessing.
We pray that you would give us joy to fill our days, peace to fill our hearts, and love to fill our lives.
Thank You for the plans You have for us in this New Year 2013.
We wait in anticipation to see all You will do!

Thanking God for you and praying your new year is blessed in every way.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11″

-DaySpring Devotions

-Ruthie Gods Girl

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